“This installment of features legendary Illinois Volleyball coach Mike Herbert. In September, he and 11 other athletes will be inducted into the Illinois Athletics Hall of...
This installment of features Illinois Women’s Gymnastics star Melissa Fernandez. In September, these athletes will be inducted into the Illinois Athletics Hall of Fame. The University...
The Illinois Athletics Hall of Fame inducts Nicole Evans Cazley. This series of articles features athletes who will be inducted into the Illinois Athletics Hall of...
Illinois Hall of Fame inducts Aja Evans. This series of articles features athletes who will be inducted into the Illinois Athletics Hall of Fame in September....
Key Takeaways from Big Ten Volleyball Media Days Volleyball season is just a couple of weeks away. Wednesday, August 2nd, was Big Ten Volleyball Media Days....
Illinois football season preview Pt. 2: Running Back Let’s not bury the lede here; everyone in and around Champaign wants to know how the Illini will...
Classic Illini Football: 1983 Illinois defeats #4 Iowa 33-0 When the Illini play Toledo to open the season, they will honor the 1983 Big Ten Champion...
CorreHere are the ten best big men in Illini basketball history. Illini basketball has an underrated legacy of quality frontcourt players, so it is not easy...
Ten best Quarterbacks in Fighting Illini history The Illinois Fighting Illini have had some great quarterbacks in its history. As a result, it is difficult to...
Illinois Basketball Fantasy Starting Five (with three subs) So, who’s ready for some debate? The Illinois Fighting Illini has had its fair share of outstanding players....