Illini Shine at NFL Combine Illinois Football had multiple representatives at this past week’s NFL draft combine. Chase Brown, Sydney Brown, and Quan Martin all were...
Illinois Basketball’s Offseason is not here, however they closed their regular season campaign with a tough 71-76 loss at Mackey Arena against the Purdue Boilermakers. Illinois...
In a season full of ups and downs, Illinois took its fans on one last roller coaster ride in the regular season finale. The Illini rallied...
Brad Underwood and Illinois Basketball wins 20 again; clinching their fourth straight 20 win season. To open the March schedule, Illinois played an absolute titanic game...
It was a bizarre Senior Night, followed by a thrilling basketball game. Illinois honored Matthew Mayer and Terrence Shannon Jr. in the pregame, two players who...
We talked a few weeks ago about the most annoying teams to lose to. Today, we talk about the biggest individual Villains in Illini fandom. If...
Andres Feliz quickly became one of the most beloved Illini. What has he been up to since graduating? Since 2020, there have been multiple instances in...
The Illini’s most reliable and consistent team this year has been the Women’s basketball program. Throughout this 2022-23 year, Illinois Men’s football and basketball have shown...
Illinois travels to Columbus to take on Ohio State. This is a Trap game. On Sunday, Illinois basketball travels to Columbus to take on the Ohio...
Thursday night’s game against Northwestern is the most important Illinois Basketball game this season. On February 23rd, Illinois basketball hosts the Northwestern Wildcats. In the final...