According to Rocco Miller, Illinois Basketball is working on an agreement to play John Calipari and Arkansas
Bret Bielema provided media with an update on the current Illinois Football injury report, entering the summer
An update on former Illinois Football defensive tackle Jer'Zhan "Johnny" Newton, as he prepares for 2024 with the Washington Commanders
NEWS: Former Illinois guard Terrence Shannon Jr released a statement regarding Thursdays' (6/13) trial verdict of not guilty.
Illinicast hosts Sunny Verma and Austin Burklund discuss Terrance Shannon Jr's Innocence, Zakhari Franklin commits to Illinois
5-star Illinois Basketball wing target Will Riley has announced his commitment date, according to Joe Topton @TiptonEdits
Its now official that a talented former Ole Miss and UTSA transfer portal wide receiver has committed to Bret Bielema and Illinois Football
Former Illinois Football star Isaiah Williams is impressing Detroit Media after being picked up as an un-drafted free agent by the Lions
On Monday (6/10) a 3-star defensive lineman from Hoosier/Boilermaker country announced his commitment to Illinois Football
Bret Bielema told media during his Thursday presser conference, his plan to complete the Illinois Football roster for 2024.